Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Grit, Pain and Determination

Winter... a time to celebrate the holidays, snow, ice and cold appendages. For those not fortunate enough to reside in parts of the world where golf can be played year round it can be a down time. The time when you sadly put away your golf clubs but you fondly recollect the shots that you pulled off... when you shouldn't have. The memories of being the first one onto the course or the last one off of the course as the Pro Shop anxiously awaits his or her departure for the evening. But then there are others that look at this time of the year to focus and address issues. I definitely fall into the latter.

I recently made a determination that I had to commence a legitimate workout regimen. Or should I say make a lifestyle change. For the longest time I fell into a rut where I would sit here at my laptop, open up a big bag of potato chips and unceremoniously eat the entire bag. Recently, I had a doctor's appointment and I stepped on the scale. I was mortified to see that I was tipping the scales at 230 lbs. The heaviest I have been in about 20 years and I clearly said to the nurse "I'm fat!" to which she said I wasn't. So I started to think about joining a gym and I did. World Gym in Niagara Falls, Ontario.

I started a regimen that included daily cardio and core and alternating days between arms and legs. It didn't take long to start seeing some results as I was gaining strength and losing weight. The funny thing about golf is that it so much resembles life. You only get out of it what you put into it. I've been working out in an almost religious kind of way and I joke around that I'm in "Beast Mode". I've been counting carbs, eating more greens and I started to drink protein shakes twice a day.

But changes like this don't come without a little pain and fighting your way to accomplish something. Again... so much like life. The other day I was doing my cardio and I was clearly not having a good day where I was "feeling it". I was gassed after 5 minutes and I told myself push through five more minutes. So I did and then I told myself... how about another 5 minutes. Mission accomplished! Then before I knew it I spent 45 minutes on the elliptical. The longest, best cardio workout that I have had in a very long time if not ever. Always remember this... "if you hit a wall... climb it". There is nothing that we can't do if we are determined.

So yesterday happened. As it turns out December 18th would be a day where I recognized some serious areas improvement that needed to be addressed. If not for the sake of myself then for the golf game. I was "fanaggled" into taking part in a Yoga session when I was checking out the basketball court to shoot some hoops. The instructor talked me into it (I tried getting out of it when I said I didn't have a mat... she located one). Yoga, something that I have more or less avoided. I tried it once before and left the class after 20 minutes. Anyways, I learned something about myself and yoga yesterday. Actually, I learned two things. The first is that you break into a sweat doing yoga (never saw that one coming). Secondly, I thought that for my age I was flexible or just flexible in general. Oddly and bizarrely enough I learned that I'm not. I am about as limber as a cement wall. I had no clue that yoga would hurt. Folks, I had no clue I was this "tight". Getting into some of the positions yesterday took serious work. My hips are pretty much frozen. If there is one thing I have to improve for golf it is definitely my flexibility. I'm floored by this epiphany. The other thing is that my arms although not totally necessary for getting distance are definitely a muscle group that needs strengthening. Okay, maybe vanity plays a small part too!

The moral of the story is this. When it comes to living in northern climates and golf there truly is #NoOffSeason. Instead... identify and address your deficiencies. Set a goal and strive to be better. Your body, mind and game will appreciate it. By the way my goal was to drop 20 lbs by my birthday in January... as of today I have lost 9 lbs and I already feel lighter on my feet. All of this can only help. Besides, a reward after a good workout is tanning, hydro-massage and sauna time. Definitely well worth it.

Until The Next Tee!

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